Question bank for you - Class 6 - Plants fibres and fabrics

1 Mark questions :

1. What are the uses of Ramie plant?

2. Identify the given picture and write two sentences about it.

3. Name the plants from which the following things are made. 

             (a) special kind of plastic 
             (b) High quality paper

4. Name the two processes which are used for making fabric from the yarn.

5. Under what condition jute grow best?

6. Name any one material which is used to make plastic bag

7. What is linen?

8. Name 2 devices used to spin yarn from lint.

9. Name 2 fibres which are obtained from plants.

2 Mark questions :

1. What is sisal?

2. What is fibre? Name 2 items that are made from cotton fibres.

3. Write 2 sentences on the process shown in the picture. (Pg.No: 33 - 3.5 Ginning picture)

4. Under what condition jute grow best?

5. What is the utility of wearing dark-colored clothes in winter and light-colored clothes in Summer?

6. What is retting?

3 Mark questions :

1. Name the parts of the plants from which the following fibres are obtained.
            a) Flax
            b) Sisal
            c) Jute
            d) Cotton
            e) Coir
            f) Ramie

2. List three uses of jute?

5 Mark questions :

1. Write a short note on the history of Clothing.